Thursday, February 6, 2014

VooDoo- lala cream

So, my best friends tease me about being a witch doctor and making voodoo potions because I make a lot of my skin care items and am enthralled by naturopathic and home healing remedies. Yes, I am a hippie at heart!

 So, here is the recipe for my voodoolala cream.

Organic coconut oil
Tea tree oil
Lavender essential oil
Peppermint essential oil

 So, the strength is something that you will have to play around with to find what is best for you. I like it pretty strong because it doesn't irritate my eyes or skin and I adore the smell (smells like a fab spa). My kids like it weaker and my friend's husband can't stand when he puts it on and goes to bed because he thinks the smell is very strong. The recipe I suggest starting with and adjusting from there is to start with 2 ounces of coconut oil, melt in the microwave (on power level 4 for about 30 seconds should be good, but microwaves vary) or sit in an area above 76 degrees until it is liquid. Add 3 drops of each essential oil. Stir with a toothpick or shake if in a sealed container and refrigerate until it becomes a solid again.

 Voila! You have made a cream that is great for the following things we know of thus far:
bug bites
bee stings
dry skin (be careful not to use too much tea tree if making for dry skin as it is a drying agent)
foot fungus and odor
cuticle cream
face cream
eye make-up remover (if mixed weakly as not to irritate the eyes or just use plain coconut oil)
scalp treatment

 If you come up with new uses, please share!

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