I realized today that my children strive to be "like me" which, to be honest scared the holy sheets out of me!!!
Mainly because for most of their lives as formidable human beings I have considered them some of the coolest people I have ever known. Yeah, yeah...I know what you are thinking...mommy complex that whole "my kids are better than your kids thing", but that isn't it. Truthfully, not even close. They are just genuinely good people. I would like to take credit for that, but they were "good people" sooo early in life that I have often joked that I could have been a crack hoe and they would have still been the same people.
For many years I imposed my belief systems, thought processes and my actions as well as reactions to adversity onto these children. Today I realize that no matter who they become on their own or how great they are individually...I am still responsible for who they become.
It was something most would consider miniscule, especially since I truly believe they are already better than me at half my age or less. They are smarter, better looking, more intuitive, better decision makers and problem solvers.
What I never fully realized is that no matter how great they are or how much I feel that they outgrow me is that that they still look to me for direction. My eyes fill with tears and my heart swells as I reach deep within myself to find the passions that make my heart leap and my life become an example of what passion with a purpose looks like.
Greatness also needs great purpose.